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UrPlan by Team Corgi


Problem Definition

We started this project by asking our selves: “What has changed since the pandemic?” People’s interactions were limited, they are stuck at home, doing all activities online… People miss in-person activities, we miss in-person activities.

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As “User Centered Designers“, we gather our information from our users. We interviewed several young adults who’s in college or just started working. They provided us with most accurate data of the problem space we are in.

Information Gathering


Interviews with people who fit our user group, asked abt what types of events interviewees enjoyed, how they found, planned, or attended those events, what technology they use to organize plans and stay in touch with friends, and how the pandemic has impacted these answers.

Interview Questions

  • Have you moved since the pandemic began?

    • Moved to a different area? City? State? Country?

    • Did you know people in your new area before you moved?

      • Who are they

    • Is it more important to meet new people or maintain previous friendships for you

  • Do you have any hobbies that you do in person with other people, such as playing sports or board games?

  • Have the people you do your hobbies with changed since the pandemic? Why or why not?

    • How have you met new people?

    • Tell us a story about meeting somebody new who shares your hobby.

      • What was fun about it?

  • Are you a person who likes planning events or you prefer to join other people’s events?

    • How do you organize your hobby events or other times you hang out with friends?

    • Can you give an example of a time when you planned to meet somebody who shares your hobby. How did it feel?

      • What is challenging / exciting / weird about it?

      • How did you work around the challenge?

  • If you use apps/technology, what do you like or dislike about them?

    • Details        

      • If not, would you want to?

      • What was difficult to do?

  • Are you still in touch with people who you shared your hobby with prior to the pandemic?

  • Can you give an example of how you maintain your friendship with these people?

    • Do you use any apps or other technology to stay in touch?

      • If not, why not and would you want to?

      • If yes, what do you like and dislike about these apps?

        • More details

  • How have the ways you stay in touch with others changed during the pandemic?

    • Tell us a story of a time you tried a method that didn’t work?

    • Tell us a story of a time you tried a method that did work?

  • Is there anything else you would like to share?

Interviewee Response

We had 8 interviewees in total and some of the interviews have full transcript which can be accessed here:

Analysis Outcome

hese analysis can better help us understand what function is useful and popular in this kind of applications. There are some “aha” moments when we discovered that a certain function can be used for another purpose. These analysis also remind us to avoid certain useless or confusing functions.

Competitive analysis documents can be accessed below.

Facebook Events

Competitive Analysis

Competitive analysis is a research method that assess products with similar functions and goals. The assessment can discover these competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. This analysis provides both an offensive and defensive strategic context to identify opportunities and threats.


Research Outcome - Persona

With the amalgamation of our interviewees, using info from the interviews; we created two users to represent different types of users, one focused on meeting new people and the other trying to do their hobby. They represent the need for our users and is a essential part of “User Centered Design”.

Meet Sam and Amelia🎊

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